Friday, September 3, 2010

Missing myself

I miss myself.

When will you be coming back? I lost you since forever. I can't even remember.
I want my sanity back.
I want my old self back. The one that used to laugh on simple things...mature stuff.
Talk without taboo.
Walk without map.
Go out without time.
Live without limits.

Where art thou. I miss you.
I want to sleep again in a big big bed full of pillows and dreams. As fantasy awakens me, imagination lets me doze again to a special place I always wanted to conquer
I miss dreaming. For myself.

Sorry. I forgot myself for a long time.

I want you back. Please. I need you right now.
It's sad that I'm now looking for you when everything else is failing.
I want you back.

The hyper psychedelic red loving person who knows no boundaries.
Talks to his self in public.
Does beyond normal.
Dance til nobody's alive.

How did I lose you?
Already forgot how, where, when, and why. of all people. why you...
Maybe my hunger for other indiviual's caring and passion drove you to death.
But now that that passion has already gone perishing, how can I revive you.

I still want that passion, but he doesn't love me anymore. But you.. you love me. You love me more than anyone else right?
Talk to me!!! now!! in English, tagalong, barok, beckymon, jejemon, conyotic, anything...I will try to understand. I know you for so long. I can know me.

I just miss being happy.
I forgot how it feels.
I'm afraid I won't be able to feel it again.
Do I deserve it? Everybody does.
After all the drama ang shit I've done. No, I don't deserve it.
But not for long.
Let me suffer.
Let me die.
Let me perish.
and tomorrow, let me be reincarnated and fly on the alps, where I used to wander.

Missing caring.
Missing love.
Missing true passion.
Who can share these to me? It's all gone now. Nobody seems to care. to love.
I still love you. And I know it's true, with my tears as witness to my heart's credibility. You know when I's of truth. And today...I'm weeping. and I miss you.

Sorry. I'll miss my passion. But I miss myself more.
I just realized... my true passion is myself. And from the moment that all else fail, I can't be with anyone else... except for me.

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